Church Clean Up, Maintainance Items/Projects, and Social Hour:

Christ calls us to serve in many more ways than just financially supporting the Church. One of those is through signing up for Social Hour, Cleaning up the Church, and Maintenance Items/Projects. We have sign ups for both on Sign Up Genius. If you need help signing up, please see Tom, Kristin, or Fr. Stephen and they will be more than happy to help you sign up:

Weekly Church Clean-up (through March 30):

Maintenance Items and Projects:

** (Items are in descending order of importance) Please review the Items / Projects. Some items may be accomplished in a few hours or less while others may take a few days. These can be completed depending on your individual schedule. Pick the task you would like to tackle and sign up. If you have any questions about the job itself, material, time frame, please contact Tom Maty. 

Coffee Hour (March):